What's new in BotCity's Python RPA tools

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Hello, world! :wave:

We have fantastic news to share with you about our Python RPA tools. Follow along in this article.

[0] New installation wizard for the BotCity Studio SDK:

Now, we have a much simpler way to install the BotCity Studio SDK. Follow the step-by-step instructions below. But first, be sure to check the prerequisites on this page of our documentation.

Log in to BotCity Maestro, using the user name and password you already have. When you log into the system, you will access the screen of the following screenshot.

On this screen, there are four options that you can choose from. In this case, you should click “Download” in the “BotCity Studio” option.

When you click, a new screen will indicate that you can download the tool for the following operating systems: Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Choose according to your operating system.

After the download is complete, extract the downloaded file. Go into the folder you extracted and identify the application with the name “wizard-x.y.z”. In this case, x, y, and z correspond to the version number available. For example, it could be “wizard-1.1.0”.

Run the application so that the installation with the new wizard starts. Choose where you want to install BotCity Studio. And then click “next”.

After that, enter the requested information in the “server” field. If it is the community version, you can use the“https://developers.botcity.dev/”link. If you already have your company’s account, then make sure you have the correct address to put in this field.

In the email and password fields, you must add your email with the account with BotCity and the corresponding password. Once this step is complete, click “Next”.

Optionally, you can configure a runner to execute your automation. You can choose one that already exists or create a new one. Meanwhile, a horizontal bar will start loading at the bottom of the installation screen. But don’t worry, you can just click “next”.

Wait for the installation to finish. Once it has finished, the screen to be displayed will appear with some options for you.

Among these options are the actions you can perform from this screen:

  • Change version:Change the version to a newer or older one, as well as to a development version;
  • Setup BotCity Runner: Configure a BotCity Runner;
  • Launch BotCity Studio: Start BotCity Studio;
  • Launch BotCity Runner: Start BotCity Runner as a background process;
  • Launch BotCity Runner – GUI: Start BotCity Runner as a GUI application;
  • Open SDK Folder: Open the folder in which the SDK was installed.

For more information about this process and important tips for doing it, check our documentation.

[1] Automation scheduling:

Now you can add parameters for the scheduling automation that need this information, and have the control to make the scheduling active or inactive. It is no longer necessary to delete and create again when you need to use that same schedule.

After logging into BotCity Maestro, check the left side menu for the “schedules” option. When you click on it, you will have the possibility to create a new schedule or edit the ones you already have.

On the next screen you can choose the settings for this created or edited schedule. Follow along below.

In the above screenshot we show the information that can be adjusted. The first option is to set if the schedule will be active or inactive.

Then there is the field with the name of the automation that you have chosen to create or edit the schedule. In the field below, you can put the CRON corresponding to the frequency with which this schedule should run. The next field brings the specification of the CRON placed in the previous field. The next step is to choose the priority of the execution of this schedule, and we will talk more about this in the next topic of our news’ array.

At the bottom of the screenshot is the parameters part. If the automation you are scheduling or editing has parameters to be entered, you can add them during this scheduling step.

Important: Remember, you do not have to delete a schedule if you no longer want to run it for a while. You can edit and turn off the “active” option. So when you need to turn the automation back on, you can just change the “active” option again.

[2] Task priority:

There are times when certain tasks may have higher priority over others when it comes to execution. Or even a readjustment in the queue that is already in progress. And now, you can configure this in the best way for your automation. Understand below how this priority works:

  • You can set the priority between 0 and 10;
  • Priority 0 is the lowest priority and the one that has been set as the default;
  • The higher the number, the higher the priority. For example, a schedule or task with priority 4 will execute before schedules with a priority less than or equal to 3. And so on;
  • You can adjust the priority at the time of scheduling (as shown in the previous topic);
  • You can adjust the priority for a specific task (see below).

From now on you can adjust the priority of a task in its creation. Verify the “priority” field and adjust as necessary.

If you need to check the priority of a task, click on the three dots located in the upper right corner of a task in the queue, and after that click on “information”.

Then search for the “priority” field. In it, you can identify the numbering.

[3] Exporting a report from the CLI:

Now you can also extract a report of your automation task execution from the CLI, with commands executed in the command line. Here’s how it works:

Note: The BotCLI file extension depends on the operating system you are using. Consider this and check your operating system to call the correct file extension when running the command examples below.

Windows Linux or MacOS
BotCLI.bat BotCLI.sh

The most direct and basic way to execute the command would be:

Windows Linux or MacOS
BotCLI.bat export taskReport BotCLI.sh export taskReport

What this command returns is the report considering the last 30 days. The report file will be placed inside the directory that you are running the command from.

But you can also add other parameters, which are optional, for command line report extraction.

Example of what the command would look like using all the parameters provided:

export taskReport -since 2023-01-01 -until 2023-02-20 -automationLabel "myAuto" -state "FINISHED,RUNNING" -status "SUCCESS,FAILED" -output csv -totalPageLimit 30

Important: All parameters and their explanations can be accessed via the “help” command in the terminal. However, let’s understand them below.

  • since: to specify the start date to be considered for extracting the report;
    • default: last 30 days;
  • until: to specify the end date to be considered for extracting the report;
    • default: current date;
  • automationLabel: to specify the automation name for the task;
  • state: to specify which state you want to return from in the report;
    • If you want to specify more than one state, you can separate them with a comma;
  • status: to specify which status you want to return from in the report;
    • status types: SUCCESS, FAILED;
    • if you want to specify more than one status, you can separate them by a comma;
  • output: to specify in which format you want to export the report file;
    • format types: csv, json;
    • the default is csv, if you don’t specify it in the command;
  • totalPageLimit: to specify the total number of pages you want to return in the report. Each page returns 100 rows in descending order of creation date.

Example of execution at the Windows prompt:

Example of execution in the Linux terminal:

Notice that when you execute the command, you will be shown information related to the file that will be downloaded. There will also be a line showing the download process and the percentage so you can follow along.

If it doesn’t find any task executed in the requested information, either the period, the status, or any other filter, in that case, you will receive a message that the report didn’t find anything to return.

Soon we will have more news

We hope you have appreciated these new features. And soon, we will bring you more news and features to develop your bots in the best way.

Feel free to participate in our community and bring us feedbacks. And if you want to test all these new features for free, just click here.