Migrating from Low-code to Python RPA

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:white_check_mark: For you considering migrating low-code RPA to an open technology platform, know that this transition is simpler than it sounds. We have seen companies completely migrating dozens of robots per month.

✅ It is also possible that it will be done gradually, coexisting low-code and open-technology platforms where necessary. Still, for companies that need to scale their automation, the migration from Low-code to RPA in Python makes a lot of sense, mainly because of the technical advantages and the savings on licensing.

💡 To make this transition, some companies miss having Python developers with RPA familiarity. In this case, these companies can:

1️⃣ Train your existing RPA Low-code developers → Python is an easy language to learn and will empower your developers much more. Tip: BotCity Academy offers free courses in Python and RPA;

2️⃣ Hire Python developers who have some experience in RPA → Python is the 2nd most widely adopted programming language by devs and the most widely used in RPA;

3️⃣ Request support from specialized partners → BotCity has more than 40 partners approved and trained in Python RPA, which perform from mapping and development to automation support and training;

💡 Another important aspect of migrating from Low-code RPA to Python is selecting the right platform that makes it possible to achieve more productivity in the development and orchestration of the automations. BotCity is a specialized Python RPA platform, flexible and fully orchestrated, capable of handling complex automation scenarios.

✅ With these skills on the team, partners, and the right platform, organizations can unleash the full potential of RPA with Python and achieve maximum efficiency and productivity in their automations.

💡 Want to know about unleashing the full potential of automations in smaller projects and companies of all sizes? BotCity Academy has free training on Python RPA → https://botcity.dev/academy