I installed version BotStudio 2.13 for Linux but i can’t open the IDE botstudio with BotStudio.sh file.
I need install other app to open the file ?
I installed version BotStudio 2.13 for Linux but i can’t open the IDE botstudio with BotStudio.sh file.
I need install other app to open the file ?
@marcoamaraldocato welcome to BotCity’s community.
Make sure your file has execution permission (+x).
You can do that via the command line with the following command:
chmod +x BotStudio.sh
After that you can invoke it with ./BotStudio.sh or double click into it and selecting to run with the terminal not the editor.
Let me know if this helps.
Hello! @hhslepicka nice to meet you.
So, the permission to execute the program is able and the file is run with the terminal (app default Emacs Terminal.
With command ./BotStudio.sh
I get the next massage:
./BotStudio.sh: line 3: java: command not found
@marcoamaraldocato you need to have Java runtime installed.
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
After that please try again… you should now have java
Thank you @hhslepicka for your help.
The problem was I haven’t JDK installed on my machine.
After I install the JDK I just run the command ./BotStudio.sh and BOOM! Rodou de boas, valeu galera. Tmj.