New features: Organization screen, runners' telemetry, runner offline, and much more from Python RPA tools

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Hello, world! :wave:

We have fantastic news to share with you about our Python RPA tools. Follow this article.

[0] New organization screen

You can follow the information of the Organization you belong to from this new screen. Identify the left menu under the “Administration” category to find it. Within it, you will have the option “Organization”.

By clicking on “Organization”, you will be able to access the information:

  • label: organization identifier;
  • created at: when the organization was created;
  • name: name of the organization that will be displayed to the users;
  • country: the country of the organization;
  • default language: the language being used in the tool.

[1] New telemetry screen for runners

You can now track more details about the runners you use. To access the telemetry screen, go to the “runners” option available in the “control room” category on the left side menu of BotCity Maestro.

After that, click on the runner you want to access the data from.

At the top, you can choose from the tabs identified by “information” where is the telemetry information.

Five cards are drawn at the top of the screen, telling you the status, the id of the last task you ran, and a link to the information screen for that task. There will also be the number of tasks allocated, the machine’s CPU utilization, and the total memory used in percentage.

Right below, you can check the “runner information” with the following data:

  • label: runner identification;
  • name: name of the runner if it has one;
  • remote access: tells you about remote access;
  • type: indicates the runner type;
  • version: identifies the version of the runner being used;
  • java version: indicates the version of java installed on the runner’s machine;
  • last telemetry update: tells you the last time (date and time) that the telemetry was updated;
  • runner uptime: the time the runner stayed up.

Next, we have the “system information”:

  • OS name: shows the name of the operating system of the machine where the runner is;
  • OS version: shows the operating system version;
  • CPU architecture: shows the CPU architecture;
  • CPU usage: shows the percentage of CPU usage;
  • memory total: shows the total system memory;
  • memory usage: shows how much memory is in use;
  • memory free: shows how much memory is free;
  • system uptime: shows how long the system has been up.

In addition, you can also follow a graph of tasks performed in the runner according to specific periods: last week, last 15 days, and last month.

Important: to be able to track a runner’s telemetry, it is necessary to confirm that the “logTelemetry” information is set as “true” in the configuration file.

If not, you should do the following: in the folder where BotCity Maestro is, identify the folder called “conf”. Inside, find the file called “conf.bcf”. Open it in a way that you can edit it, such as using text editors or others, and add the following:


[2] New task information screen

We have a new screen with more explicit information about the task performed. To access it, you can identify the task in the task queue, click on the three-dot icon in the card’s upper right corner, and identify the “info” option.

By clicking “info,” you will have access to the organized information of the task.

In the first part of this screen, you can identify:

  • status: shows the status of the task;
  • life cycle: total life time of the task;
  • queue time: time that the task was in the queue waiting to be executed;
  • execution: task processing time;
  • runner: shows the runner in which the task was executed.

Soon after, you can identify the completed task’s message. The bot sends this message and can represent that the execution was successful or that an error occurred. See how to customize this message here.

Below the execution end message, you can keep track of the parameters used in that task if they exist.

And finally, we have the “queue control” with important information about the task. They are:

  • priority: shows the priority of the task for its execution in the queue;
  • minimum execution date: if a minimum execution date has been set, that information will be shown here;
  • interrupt requested: if there was a request to interrupt the execution of the task, this information will be shown here;
  • task terminated: if there was a request to terminate the task execution, that information will be shown here.

Then the “task summary”, which shows:

  • id: shows the id of the task;
  • automation: shows the automation for which the task was created;
  • user name: if it is a scheduled task, the information will be shown as “scheduled task”; if it is a task created to run without scheduling, the information will be shown with the name of the person who created the task;
  • test task: if the task was created as a test, this information will be visible here.

And, after that, the “runtime”, with the data:

  • runner allocated: shows in which runner the task was executed;
  • date creation: shows the date and time when the task was created;
  • date start running: shows the date and time that the task started running;
  • date last update: Shows the date and time of the last update made to the task.

[3] Parameter Types Integer and Double

Two new types of parameters can be added when configuring tasks for execution. They are: integer and double.

To use these types, you can click on “add”, the button located on the upper right side of the “params” field.

Afterward, you can choose between several types and configure them as usual, including adding default values, minimum, or maximum.

[4] Offline runner notification

First of all, let’s understand what runner offline means. In this case, if the runner is out of communication for more than five minutes, it will be considered offline. So if this happens unintentionally, it is essential to find out what may have occurred at this point in the communication.

To enable this notification you need to go to the profile to add this setting. To do this, identify your name in the upper right corner of the screen. Click and notice that a menu will open. Choose the first option “profile” by clicking on it. After that, there will be some information about your profile. At the bottom of the new screen, you can identify the “notifications” item. Enable the “offline runner” option.

After that, you will receive an e-mail with a notification when a runner goes offline.

In this same e-mail, there is a blue button written “view it on BotCity Maestro”. By clicking on this link, you will be directed to the runners screen within Maestro for analysis.

[5] Log export

To be able to perform the log export, you must observe if there is any data available to be downloaded. For example, in the case below, there is no data, so the “export” button does not appear as an option:

If there is data, the “export” button will appear in the upper right corner and you can choose the format of the file to be downloaded: json, csv or excel:

Logs have no direct link to automation. In order to have logs of your application, you will need to configure them through the API so that the data is sent and is possible to track through the BotCity Maestro tool interface. To find out how to do this, check out our documentation, and if you have any questions, just let us know through the community links at the end of this article.

[6] Log editing

You can edit the log via the BotCity Maestro interface. You can click on the “Execution Log” option in the left side menu of the tool. After that, select the log you want to adjust and click on it.

In the upper right corner, there will be a button labeled “actions”. Click on it and after that select the “edit” option. Then make any necessary edits to the fields by adding new ones or hiding what is no longer needed. Don’t forget to click “save”, the blue button in the lower right corner, to save the changes you have made.

Soon we will have more news

We hope you have enjoyed these new features. And soon we will bring you more content.

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