Download file web browser

I’m trying to do download of an file of my drive in the, but the download not working. When I click of the button ‘download’ not show the next window ‘save as…’

don’t show this next window, “Save as”.

Someone can help me?

Hi @sanchesfranklin!

Are you using a Web or Desktop automation?

Do you get any error messages while running? If yes, can you send what is the output on the console?

Hi @joaovoltarelli ,
I’m using web automation. Yes, during the execution show the console this output

@sanchesfranklin by default, web automation automatically saves the file on your current working directory.

Without this feature, the automation would get stuck or you would need to make use of a mix between Web and Desktop automation to click on the file saving dialog since it is outside of the scope of the browser.

From your screenshot I can see that the file is automatically downloaded so take a look into the current working directory.

Woww rsrs,
Thanks my friend, the files was in the directory of work haha

Thanks @hhslepicka !