Can I create a condition to waiting_time?

    while self.find( "fpump", matching=0.97, waiting_time=9999999):
        if waiting_time > 5000:
            if self.find( "adress", matching=0.97, waiting_time=10000):
                self.click_relative(229, 6)
                cont = cont + 1

Can I creat a condition to execute only if “waiting_time” is above a certain time?

I am not sure I understood exactly what you intend.
Reading your current code, it will:

  • Loop until fpump is found, waiting for up to 9999999ms.
    • If waiting_time > 5000:
      • If adress is found, click relative to it and increase a counter

What I am understanding from your question is that you want to search for fpump for up to 5000ms and if this time expires you want to click relative to adress, is that correct?

  • If you answered yes to the code above, this will get you there:
# Look for fpump for up to 5000ms
if not self.find( "fpump", matching=0.97, waiting_time=5000):
   # If we could not find it during this time... look for adress and click relative to it
    if self.find( "adress", matching=0.97, waiting_time=10000):
        self.click_relative(229, 6)
        cont = cont + 1

Does this help? Otherwise, could you try to explain what exactly you are trying to achieve?